The first version of the Corsair features a classic tailwheel configuration. The fixed main landing gears are located at the wings and due to the wing shape are rather short and quite aerodynamic. The cantilevered main wheel attachment together with hydraulic springs and dampers is great for grass strips and the occasional less than perfect landing.


The tail gear is connected with the rudder by means of a GFRP spring and allows good ground handling. Even the tail wheel is on a cantilever and has an elastomeric spring and damper.


Provisions for a retractable landing gear have been considered in the wing design and if we see sufficient customer demand a retractable version could become available in the future. Nevertheless it has to be stated, that the retractable version does not promise to be any faster - the additional weight and the resulting drag will consume the aerodynamic benefit. But the looks would of course be improved.

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